Where is Kemer in Turkey? You can find important information about Kemer here.

Kemer is a town on the coast of Turkiye. It is in the province of Antalya. 

The nearest airport to Kemer is Antalya Airport, about (60 km) away. 

HotelMaps can arrange an airport transfer to Kemer. Depending on traffic, it could take about 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

The center of Antalya City is about (40 km) northeast of Kemer.

Kemer is known for its beautiful beaches, clear water, and magical natural surroundings. It is a popular place for tourists, and people come from all over the world to see it.

where is kemer in turkey
where is Kemer in turkey – Where is Kemer Antalya

Where is Kemer in Turkey?

There are a lot of hotels, resorts, and activities in Kemer to choose from if you want to go there.

The following are some of the best hotels in Kemer Antalya:

Where is Kemer Antalya

Where is kemer antalya
Where is kemer antalya

Using HotelMaps, you can plan your next holiday to Antalya Kemer. Contact our experts to find out what holiday package is right for you and your budget.

Kemer has something for everyone, whether you want a romantic getaway, a trip with your family, or a relaxing trip by yourself. You’ll have a great time in this beautiful part of Turkey, whether you sunbathe on the beach or hike in the nearby mountains and forests.

So why hold out? Contact HotelMaps Travel Services today and let us help you plan your dream trip to Kemer!

Where is kemer turkey
(Where is Kemer turkey-Where is Kemer Antalya)

In what ways is Kemer Antalya known?

  • Kemer Antalya is known for its beautiful beaches, stunning natural surroundings, and historical sites. People also like to go there to do water sports like scuba diving and jet skiing.

How far is Kemer from Antalya?

  • Kemer is a town located about (40 km) southwest of Antalya.

What are the best things to do in Kemer Antalya?

  • Some of the best things to do in Kemer Antalya are going to the ancient city of Phaselis, exploring the beautiful beaches, taking a boat ride along the coast, and doing water sports like scuba diving and jet skiing. All info about Where is Kemer Antalya.
Where is kemer
Where is Kemer

Is Kemer Antalya safe?

  • Kemer is a safe place; tourists come from around the world yearly.

How is the weather in Antalya Kemer?

  • The weather in Kemer Antalya is like that of the Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and mild winters. During the summer (June–August), the average temperature is around 30°C. During the winter (December–February), the average temperature is around 15°C (59°F), so it’s not too cold.

How far is Kemer from Antalya airport?

  • Antalya International Airport is about 60 km from Kemer. HotelMaps pick-up service from Antalya airport is the easiest method of getting to Kemer.